Neopets has changed a lot since I first started playing, back in 2000. Back then, having 1000 NP was a rare commodity. Bitten Green Apples sold for 1 NP and people were glad just for fellow Neopians to patronize their shops. Now, if you don’t even have 1000 NP, you are pathetic. So how? You start with just 250…
First, visit places such as Tombola and the Fruit Machine regularly. Put whatever you win there up for auction or trade. Tombola guarantees you something without fail, while the Fruit Machine wins you food once in a while. Don’t start a shop yet. Stock up on food, a lot of it.
Besides the free foods and spins, go to Coltzan’s Shrine and the Giant Omelette. Feed your pet ONLY Omelettes, they are a good source of food while you stock up on food. Don’t forget to get a bank account.
Play games such as Meerca Chase, Chomby and the Fungus Balls and Pterattack regularly. If you can get a Plushie, auction or trade it for nothing less than 10000 NP. Other games that potentially give you plushies and toys are the Poogle Solitaire and the Scratchcard Game, but I wouldn’t bet on the Scratchcard winning you a Quiggle Toy. What, for 600 NP? You’d be better off trying to get 10000 NP from the game. Even 2500 NP would be better than a Quiggle Toy. Poogle Solitaire however, is really easy. Find out the answer (from Pinkpoogletoy) and not only do you get 750 NP every day, but your pet might gain intelligence or a Poogle Toy! Don’t forget Cliffhanger and Snow Wars.
Only when you have 10000 NP or more should you open a shop. Never sell Island Merchandise – no one will buy them. All Island Merchandise go to the trading post. Instead sell the food you have stocked up. Now the food demand isn’t so high as during the Neopian Famine in 2000, but pets need to eat. You can only get one Omelette a day, and even though that is worth three meals (keep those for yourself), the older players may have three or four starving pets. Food sells very well.
After a while, start to play the Wheel Of Excitement regularly. Don’t forget to try and complete the maps. However, never go out of your way to get a map. Just take them as they come. Never buy a lottery ticket either, just wait for a mysterious man to give you one.
Congrats, Neomillionaire. – trfc791
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