The Ultimate Guide to Lots and Lots of Petpets – Part Two by ben100100100509notice

Hello again! If you are reading this article then I am assuming that you have read “The Ultimate Guide to Lots and Lots of Petpets – Part One”. If you havent read it then you really are missing out on something really spectacular; I suggest you go away straight away and read it right now. It really is the best article ever written. Oh yes, I did write it how did you guess?

Okay, if you are reading this, then you must have read the first guidebecause if you havent read on at your DOOM! Mwah ha ha ha har! Anyway, in the last article, it featured epic, legendary articles about the following petpets The Pet rock, Gnarr, Wadget, Icklesaur, Khamette, Harris, Psimouse, the Baby blu, the Filamen, and, last and most definitely not leastthe Screwtop. Here are another ten petpets

We start off with an old favoritethe Angelpuss. Now, I dont know about anyone else, but those yellow eyeswell, they dont half freak me out. Everyone always complains and tell me Aww! Dont be so horrible! Angelpi are adorable! But I dont know if this is just a personal thing, but Feel free to neomail me on what you think. Actually, neomail me about anythingsay you want a particular petpet to be featured in another one of my guidesjust neomail!

Anyway, back on the subject of Angelpiand yes, that is their real plural name. Funnily enough, this brings back an old tale which my grandmother told me. Audience groans

Yes, all her stories had morals, and this one is no exceptionits about an old but youthful Neopian king of Meridell or Brightvale or something like that, I dont know who wasnt very clued up on his grammar.

Tale of an old but youthful Neopian king of Meridell or Brightvale or somewhere like that, I dont know who wasnt very clued up on his grammar

King: Mater, Mater, what shall be for tea tonight?
Kings mother: Dunno. Ask the servant.
King: Servant, servant, what shall be for tea tonight?
Servant: Oh, you blithering idiot, how do you expect me to know? I dont get paid enough to know. Besides, all I do is clean the plates. How do you expect me to know? I cannot tell what on Earth has been on your plate once youve gobbled everything up. You do eat like a pig, master. It is not a very good example for the people of our lands.
King: Who should I ask then?
Servant: Since shes cooking the meal, maybe you should ask the cook!
King: Cook, cook, what shall be for tea tonight?
Cook: I dont know but as youve eaten all of my meals the last few days I have bought you a special treat using the money you are going to give me as a thank you for getting it.
King: Oh, do tell!
Cook: Its three little Angelpi!
King: (goes pale) How am I supposed to get into heaven by eating Angel pie! Oh no! Forgive me lord!

Wake up, wake up! It wasnt that badall right, maybe it was. Anyway, I think weve had quite enough of angel piesorry, angelpi for one day. Okay then, brace yourselves as we move on to its arch rival

Three reasons to not like Devilpi (?)

1) As much as I dont like the eyes of the Angelpuss, at least the Angelpuss doesnt go around stealing neopoints from all the old grannieswhereas the Devilpuss

2) They are quite expensive and hard to get hold of (But why would you want one anyway?)

3) They are VERY annoying in NQII.

However, they do give you an avatar once defeated in NQII, so its sort of a Be naughty to be nice thing. But stay away from these petpets. Dont think that if you go up to them and ask politely you might get a lovely little avatar. Oh no. Chances are that all you get is a funny look and some kind of devilish spell cast upon you.

Blobagusses, or maybe Blobagi, are cute little glow in the dark petpets. Even in daylight it lets out a bright luminous light. It also looks rather like the Meerca in Meerca Chase 2 having eaten radioactive neggs. Anderthats about all I can think of to say about the poor Blobagus!

If you are looking for a good robot petpet, but are on a budget, then the Diddler is the one for you. The Diddler will certainly keep your pet amused, but where the battledome is concerned, say the mighty Chiazilla comes up to your Diddler and attacks it, then Hello there. Would you like to play a game? is probably not the best line your petpet could come out with in the battledome.

Yes, the Diddler is an arcade machine on legs, and it will keep your neopet amused for hours on end. It might not be amazing in the battledome, but the Diddler is one of the jolliest petpets, so your neopet need never be bored again!

Yay for Sniocklebeasts! My active petpet (mrblobbygolly) has a Snicklebeast, so the Snicklebeast will always have a place in my heart. (Aww!) Although the Snicklebeast is retired, it is still quite easily accessible. It is also a cheaper petpet; so dont worry if you havent got thousands of neopoints. I think the name suits the Snicklebest, because you can imagine it sort oferrSnickleing alongor is that just me?

Yes, I think that thats just me.

Right now for the next petpet, a new one which has just come on the scene

I do my best to keep people informed about the lesser-known petpets, and I think the Yoakie deserves to be the new Slorg. Or at least the new Hasee. The Yoakie is rather like a downsized rug, and you can get these fun little creatures from the Maraquan petpets shop. So, to publicize the Yoakie, we need to

1) Complain to the Neopets team so much that the Yoakie becomes the PPL Petpet of the Week, and
2) Buy a Yoakiethat is if you can afford the price.

By the way, dont really complain to the Neopets team I dont want to be iced all because of that statement!

But honestly, all the Yoakie is is a small rug on legsnohold on, it hasnt got any legs, but if it did have legs then it would be a small rug on legs who just wants to be your friend. Aww.

On its description, it says that what the Spardel lacks in intelligence it makes up for in love, and I think that although some of the intelligence points have gone into the love category, the majority of them have gone towards the Insane eyes category. The Spardels side twisted eyes mean that the Spardel can look at both sides at once. It also means, however, that it cannot look straight ahead, and, as a result of this, most Spardels have big dents in their foreheads where they have just been walking along and have bashed into lampposts.

Pinklets know how to cheat at every card game, whether it be Sakhmet Solitaire or happy families. You will always find Pinklets at the grooming parlour and at all other fashionable Neopian shops, as they like to wear and do whatever is in fashion. However, they can get rather aggressive when in some shops there is a sign stating:

No petpets allowed

However, if you keep your Pinklet with you at all times, youll have a non-mischievous friend forno, youll have an annoying little brat wholl do nothing except stand on your foot and try to wager bets with you highly stacked in their favor.

Wow! The ninth petpet already! Hasnt this article gone quick! Anyway

What is there not to love about this Krawk island petpet? Its name is sweet, its face is sweet, and its rare, so none of your neofriendsll have one oh. 165 DUBLOONS! Yes, this is the price at the time of me writing this article, and it has probably gone up by now. I mean, yeah, it is a nice petpet, but165 dubloonsis it that nice? Well, lets see

Say you got 1 dubloon for 2000 neopoints

165×2000 = 330,000np!

Sheesh! Its a matter of opinion, but in the cockroach towers, thats 66,000 days, nearly 181 years! All for a little petpet I dont think so!

The last petpet here is, like most of the Krawk Island petpets, rather on the expensive side, but it earns its keep, as it saves you money buying a brush for your neohome, and it saves you the time of brushing the floors of your neohome. Yes, the Swabby is a mop with eyes, however it looks rather like a peeled baguette well, I think it does anyway.

Thank you for reading the second article in the series. I shall be sending more in, so you can look forward to the ultimate guide to lots and lots of petpets part three coming your way soon! – ben100100100509notice

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