Hello, all PPT Poogles!! Everyone is worrying and pondering about the horrible happenings on the Mysterious Isle. Well, for a few days I’ve gathered all the info I can get. We all have our own theories, and nobody really knows much, but here’s the scoop so far, along with a few things you should watch out for.
Well, it all starts at the Island Mystics hut. An acara named Mora (is it just a coincidence that “mor” is the latin word for “death?”) goes to the hut to get her fortune told by the Mystic. Instead, the whole Islands’ fortune is told-the dormant volcano on the Island is coming back to life! You will need to go to the Mystics Hut, and there you can see a picture of the Mystic drawing the cards. They say that one of the symbols on the card is that of the Har Codestone. You may have to check the source of the page to find it.
The next day, the new codestones were released. These are red, and have the names Mag, Vux, Cui, Kew, Sho, and Zed. Almost cryptic, eh? Anyway, only seven or eight players have them. It is nearly impossible to even find a picture of them- they don’t appear on “search” and the people who have them seem to be sworn to secrecy. Shortly after, the Tombola Stall was ransacked. The Tiki Tiki Man *sniff* was gone. There weren’t any clues on this page source, but the Island Mystic seemed to have found out that the Tiki Man was gone. “Oh no, could it have started already? What has happened to the Tiki Tiki Man?” said the Mystic.
Next went the Training school Master. The source of the Training School page hides the message “Looking closer, you see footprints leading toward the north. You see nothing else.” Right after this, the volcano started smoking. But then, our poor mystic disappeared! The source of the Island mystics Hut showed this:
“Looking Closer, you see two sets of footprints leaving the hut.”
“Looking closer you see two sets of footprints leaving the hut. You also find a single red feather on the floor by the door.”
Well, when you go see the volcano you are stopped by a fire faerie. The source of the Mystery Island Volcano revealed this: “You notice a path through the trees.” To get through the volcano paths, you will need to go here: http://www.neopets.com/island/volcano_paths.phtml. You may hear people talking about the “First Faerie” or the “Second Faerie” this is where they come in. To get through the volcano paths, follow the path the long numbers make, refresh the page, whatever number stays the same is the correct path. Get down the paths by watching the long number on the path URLS. Don’t worry, no matter how many times you refresh, you will find one number that doesn’t change. To get to the 2nd faerie, just take the paths where URL numbers start with the following numbers in this order:
9234, 8911, 7134, 1326, 4565,
3645, 6556, 2565, 3457, 3176,
8789, 3465, 7842, 5678, 3454,
7246, 1324, 7865, 4354
Unfortunately, you are stopped by a rather angry fire faerie. You cannot go any further. Aslo, the kidnappings didn’t stop. The Tiki Tour guide went missing next! The picture is very sad, but offered no clues. Neither did the source.
Next, Jhuidah the Island Faerie of the cooking pot was kidnapped. Her disappearance offered many, many clues. Look at the source. “One set of footprints leads toward the north.” it also said “You see a burned_note on the ground next to the pot.” By linking the burned_note to an image, and that to a URL, you see a picture of the note.
All that is legible are the words “Green” “Jelly” and “Root.”
Then, go to the Rock Pool. Jhuidah is trapped in a bowl! A little voice cries “Help me! Help Me!”
Okay, now lets think. A red feather was dropped at many scenes. Birds have feathers, so naturally I go to a very known bird. The Parrot. He was used to give clues for the Usurper Mystery, but he seems to be playing a part in this one too.
Refreshing the page, the parrot will say different things.
The Parrot says ‘… but what if I turn into a Uni???’
The Parrot grunts ‘I’ll come to pick it up tomorrow’
The Parrot squawks ‘Yeah, just give me time to find the ingredients…’
The Parrot says ‘I’m going to need some Peach Jelly!
These are very significant. Peach Jelly? Ingredients? That’s definitely a recipe. The note and the cooking pot! By what I’ve sleuthed, you need a Green Uni Morphing Potion, Peach Jelly, and Slugroot. Mix ’em in the cooking pot, and you will get a Botago Plant. Then you need a Tagobo Plant. Mix Botago Plant and Tagobo Plant, you get Tagobo Potion. Put the potion in your inventory.
You will need a Green Uni Morphing Potion + Peach Jelly + Slugroot = Botago Plant. You will also need
Tagobo Plant + Botago Plant = Tagobo Potion.
You can use this to free Jhuidah. Go to the Rock Pool, and click on Jhuidah in the fishbowl. You have set her free (but it may not work anymore.) Not only that, but you get a really cool avatar.
She had a message, too.
I have to tell you what happened, it was terrible. I was just standing at my pot, trying out a few new ingredients… in fact I was trying to make this root, Botago Root for a friend of mine. It turns out that it has magical shrinking properties.
So anyway, I hear these footsteps, and this strange language behind me… and there he was, a squat little shaman, with these red feathers in his hair. I asked him what he wanted, but I don’t think he understood my language. He walked up to me, and pushed me into the pot, and, well I can only assume that I started to shrink, because when I came around I was trapped in this stupid bowl.
This shaman is behind the kidnappings, he must be. To help you on your quest I will let you in to a secret. The kidnappings are not random, I hoped they were, but now I know that there is a purpose behind them. The five of us were entrusted a long time ago as the keepers of Mystery Island. There is something horrible in the volcano, something really bad, and if it escaped it could mean doom for the whole island, and the power that we were given all those years ago has kept the volcano sealed and the evil at bay.
I fear that this shaman is trying to get us out of the way so he can release this evil on the world, and by kidnapping the keepers of the volcano he may have got a good start. You must search the island for the four remaining people and free them, the fate of the whole island lies in your hands!
I can tell you two things that will help you on your quest. Firstly, it seems that this shaman has an evil sense of humour (hence where I have spent the last 24 hours!). Secondly, he doesn’t want to hurt us, he wants to hide us somewhere where we will never be found.
They say that the next part of The Secret of the Volcano will be MUCH more difficult. Here is my advice: Look at page sources. Go to the new chat board, as many people have theories, clues, advice, and more.
Some pet pages offer “clues.” However, they are fake. Watch out for:
Mystery_shaman – Most people were quite convinced, but his owners account was frozen, proof that it wasn’t a real clue.
Missfyres – Sorry, you really didn’t find the Tiki Tiki Man. Anybody can do that with their pet pages.
Anyway, I hoped you learned something from this article, and I do hope it helped. If you have any info that isn’t mentioned here, please neomail evil_kittie101 (ME!) – evil_kittie101
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