The Morphing Potion Dealing Guide by Profusions and Sublemation

To be a successful morphing potion dealer takes a lot of skill. It certainly is not easy and many people stand to lose profit. On this page you will find tips to guide you through Morphing Potion Dealing.

1) If the buyer or seller doesn’t have a fancy background or has one that seems cluttered; and has none or one painted pets, especially a cheap color, they will most likely go more towards the price you want.

2) If they use a lot of chat speak and replace numbers for letters, they are more prone to give a price you will like (observation Sublemation made).

3) Have a set price before you offer on a Morphing Potion, but offer lower than that, and say you will haggle. This could get you the MP for less, and haggling loosens up the buyer or seller more.

4) You do want to get a fairly big discount on what you buy, but remember, the lower you offer, it is less likely you will get it, but the more profit you might make. The more you offer, the more chance you will have at getting it, but most likely less profit or even a loss. The best is to offer somewhere in between:

For instance, an island Gelert MP is priced at 800k on the Trading Post, you have to take a few things into account;

A) Your targeted group of buyers will buy based on the paint brush, so you want it to be less than the Paint Brush. Here an Island PB costs 1 million so you are fine. You should have a max price in mind before offering and here we will say it is 450k.

B) Start your offer lower, for instance at 300k, to show the buyer you can haggle. This also loosens the buyer up (and will do the same for a seller).

You haggle back and forth and get lucky by getting it for 375k. Here you get it for less than you thought you would, and you were able to take into account PB value and haggling.

5) Selling your Morphing Potion is all about patience and waiting for the right offer. In most cases it takes a while, but if you keep making boards and posting on others, you will eventually get the price you are looking for.

6) Another very important part of MP buying & selling is confidence. Many people do not understand the concept of haggling, or are simply mean and short-tempered, the key is to just to ALWAYS be polite and ignore them. You may lose your confidence after a deal or two, but pretend they never happened and pick up on a clean slate. – Profusions and Sublemation


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