What is the Lab Ray?
The Lab Ray is a machine invented by a mad scientist. Upon using it, your chosen neopet is experimented on which results in unforeseen circumstances.
Where is the Lab Ray?
The Lab Ray can only be accessed through completing of the ‘Secret Laboratory Map’. Once you have collected all nine pieces, simply head over to the games room, choose the puzzles group, and then scroll down to the last game option and choose ‘Treasure Map’. Once there, click on the laboratory link and it should take you to a page which states that you have completed the map. You are now able to proceed to the secret lab.
Is there any other way?
What will happen to my neopet?
It is all random. Your neopet may sometimes gain stats in strength, defence, levels, agility, etc. or may lose some. Your neopet may also sometimes undergo a sex change or get randomly painted into different colours. For example, your male pet shoyru may become a male robot acara or a female faerie peophin (They may undergo a species change). The possibilities are endless.
Is the Lab Ray worth it?
Definitely. In the long run, you will gain more in your neopet’s statistics than lose.
I don’t want my neopet to change species.
If this is the case, I would strongly not recommend you to try the lab ray as chances are, your pet will definitely change.
Is it possible to gain two stats at the same time? For example, ‘Your pet gains 2 movement points and 4 defence points’.
No, this is not possible. There can only be one stat changed at one time. For example, ‘Your pet gains 2 levels’.
How many times can I visit the Lab Ray?
Once every day.
The Lab Ray Tips
How to gather
Hey PPTers!
I have a quick recommendation about the Lab Ray map pieces:
The best way to buy them is separately through the wiz. It’s rather tedious business, but if you want to save nps that’s the way to go. If you accidentally buy two of the same piece just sell it in your shop. It’ll sell quickly and you’ll get your NPs back and possibly more. – ~Rae <><
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