8:58 pm
Today, on the day of 13th of September, in the year 2005, there has been a number of hackings. The hacker, as of now, has no identity. He seems to hack people by means of having a cookie grabber in his shop, and the accounts that visit it and attempt buy something have their account information sent to him, and then he puts the hacking information in their accounts. He has a simple request: for the Neopets team to neomail him, and ask him how to stop this from happening so easily. 3 neoboards have been created thus far, with a warning about him. He seems to prefer using the account “free2play1” the most. the current list of users he has hacked is as follows: ghfan4everxoxo gabby11112002, aiyakhiori, free2play1, jgbruce, charizordrules1, texia, and pyroman91234. Some of the more experienced users are saying that you can be safe, but you need a damn good firewall.
I have just learned that he can make the cookies in userlookups as well. he says “WAKE UP TNT ITS GONA GET WORSE…” “this has existed for about 8 months… i tried to tell TNT many times but their too snoby to listen to me!” He seems agitated, like putting a large plate of meat in front of a hungry lion. “told them they had several security exploits and they didnt want to do anything but call me a kid and say their pros” another quote from the hacker. Apparently he wishes to be known as an equal to the Neopets team. Still nothing bad has happened to the accounts. He seems to just want to tell Neopets team of their failure to prevent such acts. “dont worry about it though… im the only one that knows how to do it i believe” another quote from the hacker.
The user known as “charizordrules1” has made a board asking why he is getting neomailed about getting hacked. Someone on the board posted “One of the people is posting profane images on peoples’ lookups. It’s disgusting.” Another, who sounds suspiciously like a hacking posted “here have some more fun images” and a link. Then he posted “got a ab if you guys want it?” the username is versioncare. Guess that is another account that has been hacked. “There are tons of us.. o.o we don’t even know all of each other,” quotes versioncare.
The user “charizordrules1″ has made a board posting the following: I’ve been told that I’ve recently been hacked and I’d like to know how this has been possible, please would you look into this for me!? If you can lock this board and post a message for me, I’m so scared right now, I don’t want to be frozen Anyone know of any staff members I could contact?” Terrible. All the fear these innocent users feel.
At 9:25 a board was made, and the creator posted this: “So all the people posting “inappropriate images” are not the hacker. They are just loosers who uploaded the stuff to photobucket so that it isn’t banned by TNT. Anyone can do it. The hacker is a smart one. He’s injecting -blocked- into the shop codes. His SN: HackMasterNeoMan.” (on aim, that is). A new user, with the username ____ad0____ has begun to post. perhaps it is the ad0 who was the very talented hacker, a few years back. “adnd dont neomail anyone he said thats one of the main ones right now he says he can get your INFO by neomail just a harmless neomail.” is what the ad0 person has posted. That’s all for now, I will write a conclusion tomorrow…
Well, this morning, everything has been forgotten. One of the first boards about it is still alive somehow very strange. But the hacker was frozen, and everything seems to be OK. If you had checked the neocam, it showed some of the staff members looking busy. The guy was on at 2am NST and talking on the trade boards to the people there saying he was 14 and he used to hack on Neopets about a year ago and they had his IP address and had him blocked for a while… I’m not sure how he’s back on or if he is really who he says he is but im sure Neopets will take care of it is a quote from one of the people, this may clear something up.
8:49 am
I’m freeplay right now, just showing people what happened last night again… By the way I don’t own freeplay but I’ll just go by hackmasterneoman said the hacker. Guess now he has a name. He uses the account jgbruce now, and he has posted: lol i wont take accounts with their knowledge anymore Well, that’s going to put a lot of minds to rest. YES! I got an interview with the hacker!
Me: When did you figure out how to h@ck so easily?
Him: It’s not a hack. It’s a glitch that lets me put java script in my shop/gallery/user lookup.
Me: Oh, I see. my mistake. In what way did TNT react when you told them about their loop-hole in the coding?
Him: They took forever to respond then told me that they had professionals and that basically they didn’t need my help. That was like 6 months ago or so.
Me: Sounds unreasonable on their part. As the saying goes, you have to crack eggs to make an omelets. Did you plan any of this out ahead of time? He then ended the interview with this to say: Probably nothing… they want to hush up everything.
Me: Thanks for your time.
From the interview, it sounds like he was just angry with Neopets. And by they, he very likely means the Neopets team. In conclusion, this is just like the peasants revolt. A small group (I just covered the main person) going against a higher power. Personally, I believe that TNT had this coming, unfortunately.
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