This game is pretty typical. Four neopets are having a race; the first one to get from Qasala to Sakhment is the winner!
The four characters you may choose from are Tomos, Osiri, Nabile, and Brucey B. There is NO difference between them. None of them are stronger than each other, get higher or lower numbers than each other, etc.
1 PLAYER – If you’re playing by yourself, you can pick from two of the characters.
2 PLAYERS – Yay! You’re playing with a friend now! You can both choose two of the characters.
3 PLAYERS – Two friends now! The three of you may each control 1 character as the computer controls the last one.
4 PLAYERS – Must I explain this one?
NOTE: If you’re playing with 2, 3, or 4 humans, you can’t send your score.
THE MUMMY – You will lose a turn if you run into the mummy and don’t have food.
THE UMMAGINE THIEF (Stan) – You will also lose a turn if you run into the Ummagine Thief and don’t have an ummagine.
KHADIR AND RAMSET – If you run into these two tugging pets, you must choose which one will win, and then you roll your die. If you roll a high number, you gain100 points, if you roll a low number, you lose a turn.
SCAMANDER: If you land on a square where the Scamander sits, you must click the correct door to continue. If you click the wrong one, you lose a turn.
The four most important squares are yellow, red with a swirl, orange, and a hole (quicksand, I believe).
YELLOW: These squares are a cause for a random event.
FIRST SET: These two squares are in front of a pyramid. Unless you have the map (there is only one) and you land on these squares, you are forced back to start and lose all of your points.
SECOND SET: There is only one square in this set, it is in front of Coltzans Shrine. What the Shrine has done for me so far is take away some of points, gain me some points, and nothing.
THIRD SET: There is only one square in this set, it is where Kahdir and Ramset are doing Tug-O-War.
FOURTH SET: There is only one square in this set, it is near Stan the Ummagine Thief.
FIFTH SET: There is only onenever mind. This square is near The Mummy.
RED WITH A SWIRL: These squares pull you up and a sandstorm/tornado and move you to another similar square.
FIRST FOUR: The first red square brings you down that line of red squares.
SECOND THREE: Pretty much the same as above, except with three squares.
LAST SQUARE: Be extremely careful of this last red square. It brings you all the way back to near Khadir and Ramset and makes you lose some points.
ORANGE: The orange squares usually hold an item (except for one by Stan the Ummagine Thief)
HOLE: These cause you to lose a turn.
There is a range of items that are vital to you depending on which squares you land on (i.e The Mummy, Ummagine Thief).
MAP: Unless you land on the first red squares, or go past the first two yellow ones, this map is totally important! If you don’t have it and land on either of those yellow squares, you will get lost. Not only that, you will be forced to go back to the start.
TCHEA FRUIT – If you pick up a tchea fruit, you may go past the mummy if you run into him.
SPIKY ORANGE DESERT FOOD: (SEE: SPHINX LINKS, WHICH BRINGS YOU TO TCHEA FRUIT) If anyone knows what this food is called, please notify me. My username is: rock_star_girl_44439
UMMAGINE: The Ummagine Thief will steal this from you if you have it. (Dont get me wrong, thats really good. If he cant steal anything from you, you lose a turn.)
BAG OF NEOPOINTS: This bag will give you more points. (I usually get around 20-27, Ive never seen more than that for myself.)
– MISC. –
The game continues until all four characters have successfully reached the end. If you are, lets say, three squares away from the end, and you roll a four, you will not move. If you roll a six, you will not move. You must keep rolling and rolling and rolling and rolling until you get a three. The entire process can be pretty fun because you consistently gain points until you reach the end. The only time it isnt fun is if you cannot reach the end within fifteen minutes. If it DOES take that long, I recommend you end your game and send your score – rock_star_girl_44439
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