In the future,
The Neopets Staff will realize the pointlessness of the Invisible paint brush and replace it with the Indistinguishable Microscopic Speck paint brush.
After Ad0 goes on another cookie-grabbing rampage that results in millions of accounts being destroyed, the Neopets Staff will respond with immediate action by politely asking him to stop.
Neopians will discover the difference between the two Evil Snowballs: one was abused as a child and is a victim of society’s insensitivity.
The sequel to NeoQuest will be released, called “NeoQuest 2: The Database is STILL Down.”
The stock market will crash, and no one will care.
The Tiki Tack Man will have been found to have been using “donations” to fund his crack buzz.
Instead of fighting Lord Darigan, the evil Korbat will go into hiding and we’ll spend the next eight months trying to decide if he’s dead or not.
Someone will draw Adam’s caricature at a party, and Adam will sue them for $150,000.
In an effort to increase sponsorship, a new pet will be created called the Holesasaurus.
The Neopets Staff will finally discover the cause of all the freezing problems: the monitors are idiots.
Hrobi will get Alzheimer’s and disown Antorcha for a pound pet called i_fart_4_money.
Following its Japanese site and in an effort to expand Neopets to other cultures, there will be an option to change the site language to ebonics.
The Neopian Word of the Day will be ‘Awwwscrewthislet’sgogetataco.’
The Shoyru will publically prove that it doesn’t have only one eye by turning around to the back of its head to reveal the other one.
Heeding complaints of the excess number of vegetable-themed HT items, the Neopets Staff will downgrade more weapons.
Neoschools will come…NEEEEEVVVERRRR!!!
Neopians will find out the use of neohomes: to keep neohobos off the neostreets.
On September 19th, a new war’s arrival will overshadow Poogle Day. The Poogles will respond by protesting naked. – ChromeFox
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