Tag: whack-a-staff-member guide

  • Whack-A-Staff-Member Guide by Shoyru_Lover

    Like playing funny games? or just have an issue with a certain staff member who unfairly froze your account? Then this game is for you!

    The second version that evolved from the ever popular Whack-A-Beast, comes Whack-A-Staff-Member, where from behind the cubicles of the Neopets office, the staff members will pop up heads up cheekily waiting to be whacked.

    Straightforward as this may seem, the staff members wise up in the following levels, and the amount of time you can spend whacking them gets shorter and shorter and shorter. Therefore, a pre-planned strategy could never hurt.

    In round one, you can simply aim for whacking all the staff members because they stay on long enough for you to do so. This round, also attempt to get a perfect score, as it can really boost up your final score at the finish line. Try not to hit the neopets as they are -10 points.

  • Whack-A-Staff Member Guide by Warrior_Babe2000

    This is a truly fun game, especially if you are frustrated at TNT (The Neopets Team) for not making that NQII plushie that you have always wanted more available or that your faerie paint brush got stolen or something along those lines!! So it’s time to get back at them the best way!

    Aim of the game

    To hit as many staff as possible in each level in order to get enough points (75 points in 30 seconds) to move on to the next level.

    How to get this

    Make sure the end of the mallet (the handle part) is in the middle of the staff members forehead. This will guarantee that you will whack them 90% of the time.