Now, on first glance this is the simplest game in existence. You load the game up, let a commercial play, and then get the spin a wheel and earn yourself some neopoints.
Not worth writing a guide over, right?
Well, if you pay close enough attention to it, the game is “rigged” (so to speak). The wheel you’re given when you start a video is completely random- there’s no rhyme or reason to what order the numbers appear in on your wheel- however, the number you land on after you spin will ALWAYS be three places down from where your arrow starts.
I’ll explain it again, in a different manner.
You load the Adver-Video game, and the wheel picked is this:
700 <— (your arrow is always placed at the very center of the wheel)
Here’s where you have to be careful. If you just casually glance over the wheel, you think you can’t see three spots below your starting number- but you actually can! If you’re having trouble, re-load the game screen as X-Large size, with Best quality- and look again.
The game NEEDS to be full-screen sized to work, so for those of you with massive resolutions, you might need to adjust them to get the maximum output of neopoints on this game!