Tag: uber

  • Uber Faerie Cave Solutions


    This level must be done quickly as the cave slowly fills up with water.
    5 down
    3 up
    1 down
    1 down
    2 left
    1 down
    1 left
    1 up
    2 left
    1 down
    3 left
    3 right
    4 down
    5 right
    2 up
    2 down
    8 left
    2 up
    1 right
    1 up
    1 left
    3 up
    2 right
    1 up
    3 right
    1 up
    3 right
    3 up
    1 left then
    2 right quickly then 3 down quickly
    when bomb has exploded, 3 up
    5 left
    2 down
    3 left
    1 up
    4 left quickly
    1 up
    3 left
    3 right
    1 down
    4 right
    2 down
    get all buckets
    out through door thing
    1 down
    2 left
    1 down then
    4 up quickly
    then 1 right quickly (pushing ball into hole)
    1 left
    1 down
    3 left
    get all keys
    out and down, get all treasure chests
    4 up
    1 right
    2 up