What an exciting day it was for all of us when we learned Neopets was offering rare items along with some of their merchandise! I immediately wanted to be in on it, but being a poor, starving university student, I couldn’t afford anything right away. Then, finally, while at Claire’s, looking at that Babaa plushie I so dearly wanted, I saw Doglefox stickers that tickled my fancy as well. I inspected them and discovered they had a Rare Item Code enclosed. This code, it promised, would give me a rare item! I checked the price. Ouch! 5.99$! But the stickers were nice, and I wanted really wanted that Rare Item Code, so I went to the cash register and emptied my pockets. Obviously, paying $5.99 (plus taxes, I might add) would be insane, were it not for the fabled Code!
Tag: stickers
Rare Item Codes by inkiemouse