Tag: soapbox

  • Who Are You and Why Should we Care by moonseedtwayblade

    If you look up my account on Neopets, moonseedtwayblade, at the time of writing this the cute little plaque with the Flotsam on it will tell you that Ive been a member for one week. This is not entirely accurate. The account, yes, is about one week old (actually, now I think its over a week old), but I have been a member of Neopia for much longer than a week. To explain, its probably best that I start from the beginning.

    I believe it was about five or six years ago that I first discovered the wonderful world of Neopets. At that time, Terror Mountain was freshly discovered and the Grarrl had just gone through a makeover, as I recall it anyway (and my memory is rather fuzzy). The site had come up as a pop-up ad. I thought it was cute. I joined, and I adopted a few pets, and I played for a few weeks, maybe a month. I wasnt serious about it, though. Not then.

    It couldnt have been too long later maybe as early as six months before I started up again. And this time, I cared. I cared a lot. I got involved. I had up to a dozen accounts, maybe more (this was before account number restrictions, but I never once cheated). I roleplayed a lot on the roleplaying forum, sometimes with original characters, but more often than not with my Lupes. I was really heavily into the Lupe Pack Roleplaying culture that was popular at the time. This kept up for at least a couple years. Then, well I admit, I got a couple accounts frozen. I let a couple stupid words slip, unthinkingly, and I was punished hard for it. Oh, I persevered for awhile, but I was disheartened, and slowly I just came to give up entirely.