If you look up my account on Neopets, moonseedtwayblade, at the time of writing this the cute little plaque with the Flotsam on it will tell you that Ive been a member for one week. This is not entirely accurate. The account, yes, is about one week old (actually, now I think its over a week old), but I have been a member of Neopia for much longer than a week. To explain, its probably best that I start from the beginning.
I believe it was about five or six years ago that I first discovered the wonderful world of Neopets. At that time, Terror Mountain was freshly discovered and the Grarrl had just gone through a makeover, as I recall it anyway (and my memory is rather fuzzy). The site had come up as a pop-up ad. I thought it was cute. I joined, and I adopted a few pets, and I played for a few weeks, maybe a month. I wasnt serious about it, though. Not then.
It couldnt have been too long later maybe as early as six months before I started up again. And this time, I cared. I cared a lot. I got involved. I had up to a dozen accounts, maybe more (this was before account number restrictions, but I never once cheated). I roleplayed a lot on the roleplaying forum, sometimes with original characters, but more often than not with my Lupes. I was really heavily into the Lupe Pack Roleplaying culture that was popular at the time. This kept up for at least a couple years. Then, well I admit, I got a couple accounts frozen. I let a couple stupid words slip, unthinkingly, and I was punished hard for it. Oh, I persevered for awhile, but I was disheartened, and slowly I just came to give up entirely.