Tag: shapeshifter

  • Shapeshifter Tips

    Two tips for Shapeshifter up to level 25

    First, if you’re familiar with any somewhat sophisticated graphics software that have layering (e.g. Photoshop), it’s very convenient to put the shapes each on a different layer (in black), and set the opacity of the layers to be Difference. You can then just move around each layer until you get the right final shape. It’s important that you use “Difference” as opacity, since this does the even/odd cancellation for you.

    Second, if you have pieces that are a single pixel, I find it much easier to set it aside, work with the remaining pieces to get something approximately right, and then fill it in with the single-pixel pieces. When you are not given such pieces, you can also “create” your own by canceling two shapes, e.g.

  • Shapeshifter Guide by Razol

    Shape shifters, yet another puzzle for us to solve! Hello again, I’m Razol, and I’ll guide you through Shapeshifter like I did Extreme Herder! Now, this game isn’t an action game, but a puzzle. It had me stumped for the LONGEST time, so you’ve got to think carefully! I’ll start with the basics.


    Ok, the aim of the game is to get all of the symbols to be the same. The only four I know of are the Crown, Sword, Goblet, and Glove. They are nothing but pieces of the puzzle. I’ve only gotten to level 5, so I’m not too much an expert, but it says you can get up to 5 different symbols in one puzzle.

  • Shapeshifter Guide by Chibi

    In a nutshell:
    1) You start with a 3×3 plane.
    2) Change all of the objects on the plane to swords.
    3) Use the Tetris pieces you are given to change other objects into swords.
    4) When all of them becomes swords at the same time, you move on to the next round.

    Example – X are swords, O are goblets.
    You need to change the O’s into X’s to get to the next round!

    Below you have a ‘Tetris’ piece like this – H is a random letter I used.
    Place the vertical H on top of the O’s, and they’ll change to X’s!

    But if you have this: