Tag: screenshot

  • Neopets’ #1 Screenie Guide! by braikuvdawn


    Let’s say you’re wandering around Neopia when all of a sudden Something Has Happened!, or you find a lab map piece for 1NP on the wiz, or someone says something funny on the boards. Whatever the case may be, you want to save and cherish the moment forever… but how? You can do that with something called a screenie!

    What is a Screenie?

    A screenie, screenshot, screencap, screen picture, whatever you want to call it, is basically just that. It’s a picture of your screen. They’re used on Neopets to capture good events like getting an avatar, funny boards, restocking, shop wiz finds, etc. If you would like to see some examples you can check out my screenies by clicking the image below.

  • Sogo Hong Kong Photos

    A big thanks to jonathan_wong_0_0, who sends us all these photos he took of the Neopets event at Sogo, Hong Kong. They are all thumbnails so if you want to check them out, click on them for a full size!

  • Neopets Headquarters

    Want to see what Neopets Headquarters looks like from the air? We’ve sent in our spies, and they’ve come back with this!