Currently contains 13 scams
Friday, January 31st, 2003
Saturday, January 25th, 2003
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Section 1: The Obvious (Password) Scams
- Section 2: The Not Quite as Obvious Scams
- Section 3: Indirect Scams
- Section 4: Quickies
- Conclusion
Neopets advises you to NEVER give out your password. While this holds true, there are also several other ways to get scammed that do NOT involve handing out your password.
A “Scam” is defined as a “fraudulent business scheme”. So in other words, a scam is just someone trying to take advantage of you. This guide is designed to help you hold your hard-earned neopoints, and not give them to some slimy Joe’s who’ll deceive and trick for an extra buck.
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