Tag: robbers

  • Trouble at the National Neopian Guide by Shoyru_Lover

    The first major game to feature the National Neopian Bank, a source of income for many, sees you, the player, as the elected person in charge of bank security. After all, if no one was in charge, how is the bank able to make and maintain their money used to pay you interest on your savings? For some strange reason, the bank has 6 doors which is most likely due to the sheer volume of customers it receives (can anybody say monopoly? There’s only one bank in the entire economy – omigosh?). Each door has a deleted red button which you are able to press when you see a shady character appear.

  • Trouble at the National Neopian Guide by cheergrl123

    So you want to learn how to keep your gold bars safe from those nasty robbers. Well here’s the hints and tips you need to know in order to keep your money safe at the National Neopian.

    First, the basics. In order to move far in this game, you need to know the difference between the good people – your customers, and the bad people – the robbers. Customers can come in all shapes and sizes. Most of them will have some indication that they have money to deposit, either a bag in their hand, or some coins held out in front. (Sometimes you even see a member of TNT with a huge bag of neopoints.) Now you don’t need to memorize what every customer looks like, but you should know what the robbers look like.

    There are four robbers. Two bandit Meercas, an Usul looking thief (all in grey), a red Scorchio, and a red Techo dressed in grey. You’ll see him in higher levels. Now make sure you recognize these guys right away. They always look the same so there’s no confusion with your costumers.

    Now basically you want to let the customers deposit their money, and keep the robbers out. Their are six doors which the customers and robbers will enter through. The six correspond with the keys SDF and JKL on your key board. If you see a customer, do nothing, and he will deposit his money and be off on his way. If you see a robber, press the corresponding key to set off the alarm and catch him. If he gets away with your money, you lose a life, and you only have three. But if you hit the alarm on your own customer, you lose the money they would give you AND a life. Be careful.