Tag: revamp

  • The Wishing Well Gets a Revamp and an Avatar Opens Up

    Looks like the Wishing Well at Neopets has undergone a revamp and if I say so myself, it’s looking pretty darn good. One little thought keeps running through my mind however; does this look like the Smurfs to anyone?

    Co-inciding with the revamp is the release of a new avatar. Do you know how to get this one?

  • Welcome to the New Pink Poogle Toy!

    A big howdy and welcome to everyone who visits Pink Poogle Toy today and are probably rubbing their eyes wondering what in the world happened to the website.

    To cut a long story short, this website has been under redevelopment over the past 3 months and it is with much pride and excitement that I unveil the new Pink Poogle Toy.

    All articles have been transferred over to the new website and re-organized to make navigating more intuitive and easier for you. There are a few articles that still need to be fixed but let’s put that all down to teething issues for now until I fix them over the next few weeks.