Tag: purple chomby

  • Purple Chomby and Blue Poogle by XxCheLYxX

    Little Purple chomby went home to her mommy crying her tears were coming down fast. Her mom said, ” Why are you crying hunny.” “Mommy my best friend Blue Poogle is leaving to neggery with her parents in three days.” Purple Chomby didn’t even let her mom speak she ran to a blue door opened it and got in her room she jumped on her beautiful bed with a cover with sun flowers on it. She was crying like never before her tears ran down her plump purple cheeks. her mom called her and said,” Lunch is ready I ordered pizza for us today, Purple Chomby.” ” I’m not hungry” said Purple Chomby. ” Oh common sweetie at least eat lunch .” Purple Chomby still said no. her mom came in the room and said, I have an idea why don’t we invite BluePoogle to our house tomorrow and today we go shopping and make her a surprise going away party since on the third day she is going to leave in the morning.” “That’s a good idea mommy thanks. can I also invite a couple of friends over also.” ” Sure you can sweetie.” said Purple chomby’s mom. Purple chomby called 20 of her friends only 16 could come each one of them went shopping to bring different things. Of course they all bought gifts for Blue poogle. The next day was Saturday every body met at Purple Chomby’s house in the morning they got everything together then Purple Chomby called Blue poogle and told her at that time she could come of course Purple Chomby called Blue Poogle the day before that before she called her friends. She asked Blue poogle if she could come and she said yes. Purple Chomby told poogle what time she could come because her mom had to clean the house. Blue Poogle rang the door bell and Purple Chomby answered and said hi. Then Blue Poogle stepped in and every body jumped out of hiding places and said,” Surprise! Blue poogle was so happy she was crying. Their were signs hung up said bye Blue Poogle and we’ll miss you. There was lunch ,cake ,and balloons. They had a good time Blue Poogle loved the presents. Every body said bye to Blue Poogle when the party was over. Blue Chomby gave her a bracelet that said PURPLE CHOMBY AND BLUE POOGLE. Purple Chomby put hers on and Blue Poogle put hers on and they said good bye! – XxCheLYxX