Written by Dancingq213552126
Having a look at the PPT site,
Wondering if I shall get a fright,
Looking into the FREE neopoints,
Deciding to test my luck.
Choosing the game I should play next,
Will I win? Let’s see shall we,
Crossing my fingers,
Closing my eyes..
A faerie I have won,
From that Tombola dip,
From the Coltzan’s Shrine..
Entering my shop to sell my prize,
What a nice surprise.
How wonderful, how wonderful,
surprise, surprise
Life in Neopia
Written by princessstar.sakhzi
What with the tensions,
Of growing inflation’s,
And the fear of the tax beasts’ pensions
Life in Neopia has become very hard,
I wish someone would send me a happy holidays card,
And make this life less barred