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When Neopets Is Down by princess_night52

You sit yourself comfortably in the computer chair, humming to yourself a happy tune. Todays the day when you have the computer all to yourself! You type in the address of the website and you get to see the homepage. New event! Somebody has just neomailed you. You move your cursor and click to read the whole message. Woah! Neopets is down! You refresh and refresh so many times that you go beserk, but youre still stuck at that hated page.

How long do I wait when something disastrous like this happens?

It depends. Look at the page and check. Is it the one that says you have to wait for (?) minutes/hours? Or is it the one that says Neopets Is Temporarily Unavailable? If its the first one, then wait for that time limit. If its the second one, lets try 30 minutes then. You can lengthen the time if you want, because theres no guarantee that Neopets can work within 30 minutes.
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