Tag: neopets game cheats

  • Faerie Cloud Racers (II) Cheats

    Weepit was here by pinkflamingonewsgirl

    Every once in a while a little piece of notebook paper will fly across the screen. It says “Weepit was here”.

    Make the obstacles disappear by knd1994123

    Type “snowfaerie” while on the character select screen in Faerie Cloud Racers II. This will allow all of the obstacles to disappear for the first round.

  • Skies Over Meridell Cheats

    Skies Over Meridell screen shot

    See a Computer vs Computer Game

    If you click the sun on the start screen, you will see a computer vs computer game.

  • The Return of the Return of Dr. Sloth Cheats

    The Return of the Return of Dr. Sloth

    Gain a Life After Losing One

    Enter drfranksloth to get an extra life after losing one life already.

    Secret Programmer by kiwi7272

    TROTRODS (pronounced troh-trods) for short). Anywho, on the main screen, the secret programmer appears strapped to rockets! Simply click the teeny white speck in the eye of Dr. Sloth in the background image. (The green version of Sloth, not the black one.)

  • Pick Your Own Cheats

    Pick Your Own screen shot

    Pick up to Nine Berries by Cherie

    When playing Pick Your Own, instead of clicking on the screen of the yard once, double-click as much as you can. After the page refreshes, it says You Found Nothing :(, but if you look in your basket, you got one more berry. Repeat this, never click once. After you reach 6 berries, you will still be able to pick for at least 3 more times at the most.

    Place Back Items You Don’t Want by Harrypotterfanatic01

    While playing Pick Your Own, if you pick something up that you don’t want like dung, then all you do is left mouse click the item and it will ask you if you want to put the item back. Select ok and continue picking up items until it says you can’t pick no more.

  • MAGAX: Destroyer II Cheats

    MAGAX: Destroyer II screen shot

    Restore Your Health Completely by Grace Nicholas

    Type in xagam and it will restore your health completely you can do this once per game.