Tag: neolodge

  • Grand Neopian Neolodge by Hababo Olana

    Have you ever been tired of taking care of your neopets? Are you leaving for a vacation and, unlike me, don’t want your neopets to starve to death? Well that’s absolutely wonderful because this is an ad for Neopia’s very own Grand Neopian Lodge. It doesn’t matter if you’re poor, rich or just a cheap penny pincher we can always make space for you (as long as your willing to pay that is). I must admit that this ad is not actually endorsed by the Neolodge. But after years of tedious study on the subject, I do not see how anyone can not accept everything written here for what it is, the truth. With the assistance of the wonderful Neopets help site, PPT, it is my duty to tell everyone who cares all I know of Neopia’s one and only Grand Neopian Neolodge.

  • Poor For a Week by Randydude1687

    I read an article called “The Poor For a Week Project” in the neopian times a few months ago, so I tried it, and it made me 25,000 NP richer! Okay, here’s how it goes:

    You rid of all of the neopoints in your wallet to your bank account, then the fun begins. Play games that you are a grand master or expert at to gain as much NP as you can, every day. Then put your pet in the neolodge for seven days, this should keep it fed all week. The process of this is to try NOT to deposit money into your National Neopian bank account, still collect your interest every day so you will have more neopoints to save for later on.