All flash games have their own individual and unique trophy that is given out at Midnight (12:00 NST I believe) and this occurs daily, and for regular non-flash games, it depends. For Cheat! and Go! Go! Go!, you need to defeat the challengers, and Cheat!’s pretty easy to get, just keep trying. For other games such as Caption Contest and Story Telling, you need to think up something witty and unique that the Neopets team will choose (for the Story Telling), and you will get a trophy for getting your segment of their story accepted. For the Caption Contest, I guess it’s all based on popularity and wit. If your caption is really funny, it’s most probable that you will get a trophy, but of course Neopets makes it random so each time you do visit that part of the site, a new caption appears.
Tag: mystery picture
Trophies by youngking