Tag: milk chocoloate

  • Budgeting and Millions – Are They Linked? by sortinghat

    Budgeting and millions – are they linked? The answer is most certainly yes. Budgeting is a word that your parents or even you might use, but have you ever thought about how important it is? What would happen without budgeting? Well, chances are you would blow all of your money on something you don’t need. A lot of people do this on neopets. Unfortunately, some people do this in real life, and instead of being just “broke”, they cannot pay their bills, they may lose their home, and their possessions may be taken. But lets see, most people in real life follow a budget. And they get along great! Even rich people (in real-life) have a budget! Otherwise, all those hard-earned dollars would vanish into stocks, or a Rolls Royce, or a Mona Lisa. So, if people, rich, middle-class, and poor all budget, then (I hope everyone can see where this is leading to) why dont we! If you are poor, then you should move up to middle-class, middle-class should move up into the rich, and the rich should get a little bit richer. So, lets talk budgeting!