Tag: mcdonalds

  • Neopets at McDonalds by The Wonder Weezel

    Well, It was the weekend, so Neopets was up and down. So, for the first time in weeks I got off of Neopets and ventured out for food and it just so happens that my car was full of gas, and Neopets was having their promotion at McDonalds. Yay!

    It may have been cloudy outside, but it was extra colorful inside. There were Neopets ads all over the place. I thought the place had enough red and yellow before but they had ads on the doors, the menus, the trays all over. I got sick of that waving red Scorchio VERY fast *that image that was on the countdown to Mcdonalds on the Neopets new features page* because that red Scorchio was on EVERYTHING. Anyway, you guys dont need this much detail, Im just filling in spaces for those of you who wont be seeing Neopets in your country any time soon. Anyway, I got a Happy Meal so I could get my free plushie, and once you buy a Happy Meal, you can buy as many additional toys as you wanted. They were $1.99 each (U.S.) so I started off by getting two extras. I got my order and sat down with my Happy Meal. This time, I can actually say I was indeed, happy.