Tag: hannah and the wardrobe of adventure

  • Hannah and the Wardrobe of Adventure Guide by _azn_angel_babe_

    Basically there are 10 missions in total & 3 bonus games. Missions require you to dress Hannah in the right outfit for the job she is about to do. The bonus games are just like Korbat’s Lab where you need to break all the blocks in order to receive your bonus points.

    Missions & Outfits

    Kiko Lake Boat Tours

    Reports are flooding in that claim many of the glass bottom boats for the Kiko Lake Boat Tours have sprouted unexplained leaks. Help find the cause or who is behind the evil deed and get Boat Tours back in business without getting soaked.

    Outfit: In order not to get soaked from the leaks in the boats, get out your yellow rubber ducky suit & goggles that will help keep the water out of your eyes!

  • New Game Challenge – Hannah and the Wardrobe of Adventure


    Hannah ups the ante again; this time with the latest challenge from New Game Challenge.
