- Korbatman
- Finding Flotsam
- Petpetpets: The First Movie
- The Tyrannian Village
- Kougrawoman
- The Princess Usuki Diaries
- Riding Grarrls
- Ghost Pets of the Abyss
- Techo Soccer
- Red Pteri Down
- Bill and Ted’s Down For Maintenance Adventure
- Neo Wars: The Red Pteri Menace
- Attack of the Sloth Clones
- Boochi’s First Movie
- Auto-Buyer Beware
- Wheel Of Monotony: The Movie
- Freddy Kougra
- Spyderman
- What Ever Happend to Dr. Sloth?
- Dude, Where’s my SDB?
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turdles
- I, Korbat
- Mortal Korbat
- Krawkzilla (The Dubbed-loon version)
- My Fair Ixi
- Grarrl: The Musical
- The Noil King
- Bruce Almighty
- Sloth Wars: The Auto-Buyer Menace
- Harry The Mutant Moehog and the Prisonor Of Darigan
- Anything with NeoSchools in the title
- Aristowockies
- Neo Wars: The Red Pteri Strikes Back
- Brother Yurble
- A Ruki’s Life
- Ixibi
- Lennies Of The Rungs
- Lord Of the Fake Plastic Ring of Sloth: The Fellowship Of the Plastic Ring
Tag: freddy kougra
100 Rejected Neopets Movie Titles