Tag: freddy kougra

  • 100 Rejected Neopets Movie Titles

    1. Korbatman
    2. Finding Flotsam
    3. Petpetpets: The First Movie
    4. The Tyrannian Village
    5. Kougrawoman
    6. The Princess Usuki Diaries
    7. Riding Grarrls
    8. Ghost Pets of the Abyss
    9. Techo Soccer
    10. Red Pteri Down
    11. Bill and Ted’s Down For Maintenance Adventure
    12. Neo Wars: The Red Pteri Menace
    13. Attack of the Sloth Clones
    14. Boochi’s First Movie
    15. Auto-Buyer Beware
    16. Wheel Of Monotony: The Movie
    17. Freddy Kougra
    18. Spyderman
    19. What Ever Happend to Dr. Sloth?
    20. Dude, Where’s my SDB?
    21. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turdles
    22. I, Korbat
    23. Mortal Korbat
    24. Krawkzilla (The Dubbed-loon version)
    25. My Fair Ixi
    26. Grarrl: The Musical
    27. The Noil King
    28. Bruce Almighty
    29. Sloth Wars: The Auto-Buyer Menace
    30. Harry The Mutant Moehog and the Prisonor Of Darigan
    31. Anything with NeoSchools in the title
    32. Aristowockies
    33. Neo Wars: The Red Pteri Strikes Back
    34. Brother Yurble
    35. A Ruki’s Life
    36. Ixibi
    37. Lennies Of The Rungs
    38. Lord Of the Fake Plastic Ring of Sloth: The Fellowship Of the Plastic Ring
    39. (more…)