Tag: fire

  • Faerie Caves Solutions – Fire Faerie Cave

    From here go right 3, left 3, then down to the very bottom, collect the key two right. Go 2 left then go up 3 and all the way right to the crumble wall above you (one right of the diamond). Go through that and push the boulder to your right, over the edge. Go one right and two down.

    Push the bottom bolder all the way left so it is one right of the sense pad (don’t push it over the edge) go back to the other boulder (go right to the hole in the roof, go up 2, go right 3, down 1, right1, down 2) then push this one 6 to the right exactly, that’s one before the TNT above you, but one after a crumble wall beneath you. Now go one right and down the crumble wall, then left to the balloon. Push the balloon, then go back 1, then push that boulder to the very left as shown in the 3rd picture.

  • The Usul Suspects Guide by snowageress404930

    When multi-colored Baby Usuls began falling from the sky, some of them shooting at you and others trying to push you off your platform with brooms, you know you’re dreaming.

    If your not, then your playing Usul Suspects, a new game from Neopets. Lumi the Nimmo has been tricked into babysitting these evil usuls by a giant skeith (okay, I made that bit up.), and she’s barricaded herself on the playground lift.

    Below, I’ve listed various strategies to avoid and shoot your oppenents. This isn’t a quick-written-in-two-seconds guide, I’ve actually gone in-depth here. It’s worth reading, if you want to get your daily 3k by scoring 500 points. You have three lives in the game. You lose one if the the Usuls fire at you and hit you off the lift, or if one pushes you off with a broom.

    Basic Controls

    The basic controls of the game are simple. The up and down arrows move the lift.. up and down, and pressing either the left arrow button or Space fires water at the Usuls. I suggest the left arrow button, that way, your fingers won’t have to move too far across the keyboard. Pressing the right arrow button throws a baby bottle (presumably full of milk) at any Usuls behind you. However, if you throw a bottle while the Usul is approaching you, it won’t work. Also, you actually have to move down if you want to feed the Usul below you.