Tag: extensions

  • Building a NeoHome by LJ

    The first thing you need to know about owning a NeoHome is that it can be extremely expensive. It depends on all the factors, location, materials, extensions, furniture, gardens and the like, and while it is possible to integrate all this into a cheap NeoHome, it generally doesnt turn out so well. People tend to stop half way through with only a couple of rooms with maybe and item or two, because they didnt realize how costly it can be.

    So if youre thinking about owning a NeoHome for yourself, I would suggest concentrating on working up your neopoints first. There are plenty of guides out there that help and its really not that hard once you get stuck into it. The lowest amount of cash it would take to get a simple, but fairly well furnished home, is about 40,000/50,000. Mine was around 150,000, and I dont even have mine in an expensive location with highest extension options. But hey, I might be wrong. If you think you can manage it was less than 40k, then go for it.