Tag: experience

  • Jeff’s Tigerfruit Smoothie at Jamba Juice Experience by Amanda L Knoll

    I saw on Pink Poogle Toy the message about the smoothie promotion starting 9/16. Luckily, that was my day off. I went to Jamba on Thursday morning and ask the lady behind the counter for a “Tigerfruit Smoothie”. She looked at me like I was crazy. She asked what it was and I told her that I saw on a website that there was going to be a Neopets/Jamba Juice promotion starting that day. She told me that she had no idea what I was talking about.

    My brother also plays Neopets. I had called him several days prior to the 16th to tell him about the promotion. I called him after I left Jamba and told him they had no idea. He went later that day and asked for one as well. The lady told him he was the second person to ask for 1 that day! The lady went and asked the manager. The manager said that the “promotion” would start the next day, Friday the 17th. I was okay with this because we have been hammered with hurricanes and I figured they pushed it back.