Hello again! If you are reading this article then I am assuming that you have read “The Ultimate Guide to Lots and Lots of Petpets – Part One”. If you havent read it then you really are missing out on something really spectacular; I suggest you go away straight away and read it right now. It really is the best article ever written. Oh yes, I did write it how did you guess?
Okay, if you are reading this, then you must have read the first guidebecause if you havent read on at your DOOM! Mwah ha ha ha har! Anyway, in the last article, it featured epic, legendary articles about the following petpets The Pet rock, Gnarr, Wadget, Icklesaur, Khamette, Harris, Psimouse, the Baby blu, the Filamen, and, last and most definitely not leastthe Screwtop. Here are another ten petpets
We start off with an old favoritethe Angelpuss. Now, I dont know about anyone else, but those yellow eyeswell, they dont half freak me out. Everyone always complains and tell me Aww! Dont be so horrible! Angelpi are adorable! But I dont know if this is just a personal thing, but Feel free to neomail me on what you think. Actually, neomail me about anythingsay you want a particular petpet to be featured in another one of my guidesjust neomail!