Tag: country

  • How to Play Country Bears by Patricia

    How is it like ?

    Well, Country Bears is sort of a memory game. Similar to the game ‘Techno Says’ but is relatively slower with the animations, it requires you to repeat after the computer
    the sequence of the musician bears playing.

    It is made up of about 5 to 6 Levels. In the 1st level, you are required to recall 2 musicians playing– who and when. For example, when you see ‘Watch’ at the bottom left-hand corner, the guitarist played. Once you see the word ‘Play’ at the bottom left-hand corner, you can follow the computer by clicking on the guitarist. Next, the word ‘Watch’ is displayed at the same place. The guitarist plays followed by the drummer. When the word changes from ‘Watch’ to ‘Play’, you follow the sequence by clicking on the guitarist and then drummer.

    Watch out though, don’t click the sequence too fast as the musicians need time to play their instruments! : )

    Difficulty Level

    Well, Country Bears is far too easy compared to other games ( as long as you know how to cheat! ; p ) Once you know how to cheat, you will start to find it boring and turn to other games to earn NeoPoints faster. However, it does train your memory, though (at least it worked for me with my short-term memory ; p)

  • Country Bears Tips

    Easier gaming tips

    Country Bear Guide is probably the most easy game to complete the levels IF you know the following trick…..

    1) Before the game starts, draw 5 circles that are positioned the same as the bears in the game. Spaced them out a little bit.

    2) If the top left bear plays first, then put a “1” on the top left circle that you have on the paper. Then if the bottom right bear plays the second followed by the first top left bear, put a “2” on the bottom right circle that you have on the paper.