Tag: combinations

  • Mootix Drop Cheats

    View the Entire Map

    While free falling during any mission in a campaign (not the Single Drops) click restart until you run out of lives and it’s game over. Harry will keep falling and eventually bounce. Harry will then fly up again and reveal the whole room! – Dongocat85

    Mootix Surprises

    Upon selecting your difficulty level, you are brought to the screen where you select your drop. Using the arrow keys, push up and down. You will notice that one of a variation of 6 petpets appears. If you enter the correct combination of characters a surprise will happen! – Mootix

    Mootix Drop Secret Combinations


  • Brucey B Slots Winning Combinations

    Thanks to the impeccable work of PPT people ScottNak, SnowWolf75 and shortstuffpb! Without them, this complete list of returns would not have been up as quick as it has!

    Cards Returns 1 Stake 2 Stake 5 Stake 10 Stake 25 Stake
    3 Bagguss 5:1 5 10 25 50 125
    4 Bagguss 25:1 25 50 125 250 625
    5 Bagguss 125:1 125 250 625 1,250 3,125
    3 Puntec 5:1 5 10 25 50 125
    4 Puntec 25:1 25 50 125 250 625
    5 Puntec 125:1 125 250 625 1,250 3,125
    3 Ummag 10:1 10 20 50 100 250
    4 Ummag 50:1 50 100 250 500 1,250
    5 Ummag 250:1 250 500 1,250 2,500 6,250
    3 Tchea 10:1 10 20 50 100 250
    4 Tchea 50:1 50 100 250 500 1,250
    5 Tchea 250:1 250 500 1,250 2,500 6,250
    2 Jack 2:1 2 4 10 20 50
    3 Jack 20:1 20 40 100 200 500
    4 Jack 100:1 100 200 500 1,000 2,500
    5 Jack 500:1 500 1,000 2,500 5,000 12,500
    2 Queen 3:1 3 6 15 30 75
    3 Queen 30:1 30 60 150 300 750
    4 Queen 150:1 150 300 750 1,500 3,750
    5 Queen 750:1 750 1,500 3,750 7,500 18,750
    2 King 5:1 5 50 25 50 125
    3 King 50:1 50 100 250 500 1,250
    4 King 250:1 250 500 1,250 2,500 6,250
    5 King 1,250:1 1,250 2,500 6,250 12,500 31,250
    2 Ace 6:1 6 12 30 60 150
    3 Ace 60:1 60 120 300 600 1,500
    4 Ace 300:1 300 600 1,500 3,000 7,500
    5 Ace 2000:1 2,000 4,000 10,000 20,000 50,000
    2 Coin 10:1 10 20 50 100 250
    3 Coin 100:1 100 200 500 1,000 2,500
    4 Coin 500:1 500 1,000 2,500 5,000 12,500
    5 Coin Jackpot Jackpot Jackpot Jackpot Jackpot Jackpot

    Play the game away from the computer

    After you place a bet and set the wheel spinning, placing a heavy object, such as a book on your space bar (on your keyboard) will make the game automatically repeat the bet after the spinning stops! Definitely a better alternative when you’re going to head out and don’t want to sit at your computer playing the game.- Drake

    Play the game away from the computer

    The suggestion of the heavy object in order to hold down the space bar isn’t needed (at least not in my case) All I use is a popsicle stick. Press down the space bar, and with the other had insert the stick either between the keys or the front. This is a good feature if your stepping away for a bit or just want to be lazy, rich or even broke.