Tag: codebreakers

  • How to Win at CodeBreakers by Jh

    With this strategy I got 2250 points in code breakers before not being able to stand it anymore, but maybe you have the time to get a high score, so here it goes

    1st move : do two reds and two whites, like this RRWW

    If you no colors match then you just saved yourself a move over the 5 move try all solid colors way of playing

    2nd move if there is a match : go all white or red, WWWW. Now this also has an advantage over the solid colors for 5 moves since your first move had two white on the right hand side if it comes up that you have a correct color, but in the wrong position your first move, and then your second move that is all white tells you that you have a correct color in the correct position, then you just narrowed that white stone down to two left hand slots. If your second all white move tells you that you have no matches, and the first move says that you have one or two but in the wrong position then you know you have the corresponding number of reds where the whites had been sitting.

  • CodeBreakers Guide by Jacque W

    CodebreakersCodebreakers may look boring, dumb, or you may even think, “Oh, no, a dumb game with no points.” This is a good game, even without very much action. It helps with your thinking skills. I LOVE this game.

    Game objective

    Break the code before you run out of guesses.

    How to play

    The instructions on the site are very confusing, so I will simplify them:

    1. You start out with four red codestones, right? Change them by clicking them with your mouse.
    2. Hit the button that is labeled GO.
    3. Keep going with steps one and two until you guess the code.


    Codestones and the colors

    There are six codestones to guess from:

  • Code Breakers Tips

    Some tips

    I play this game a lot at times. I’m not the best person in the world at it, but i do have some tips for people.

    number 1: the first code is either always all red, or it is red and white.

    number 2: sometimes the second code can be all white, or red and white again. most of the time it is white and yellow.

    number3: if the first two codes were red and white, this one will be white and yellow. otherwise, this one will have orange in it.

    basically, the codes go in order of the colors on the stones. when you get higher into the levels, it is best to do ever line a solid color until you have gotten all the colors for the code. sometimes this will take four turns, and you will only have four chances to guess the code correctly. I hope these tips help you. – Gothica423@aol.com

  • Codebreakers Guide by kitblake

    CodebreakersCodebreakers is a tough game where you are given ten tries to break a code. You have a set of four codestones and they are set in a hidden color pattern that you must figure out. By clicking on each stone, you change its color from red, white, yellow, orange, blue, green, and back to red again.

    When you’ve clicked each stone and decided on what colors to guess, you click “go” and it will respond with how many stones are correct, and how many stones are the right color – but in the wrong place. It won’t tell you which stones are which, though. Black lines mean that you’ve gotten a stone the right color and in the right place. White lines mean that you’ve got a stone the right color, but it’s in the wrong place. Using these ‘hints’ you change your guess until you’ve finally gotten it right.