Tag: codebreakers guide

  • CodeBreakers Guide by Jacque W

    CodebreakersCodebreakers may look boring, dumb, or you may even think, “Oh, no, a dumb game with no points.” This is a good game, even without very much action. It helps with your thinking skills. I LOVE this game.

    Game objective

    Break the code before you run out of guesses.

    How to play

    The instructions on the site are very confusing, so I will simplify them:

    1. You start out with four red codestones, right? Change them by clicking them with your mouse.
    2. Hit the button that is labeled GO.
    3. Keep going with steps one and two until you guess the code.


    Codestones and the colors

    There are six codestones to guess from:

  • Codebreakers Guide by kitblake

    CodebreakersCodebreakers is a tough game where you are given ten tries to break a code. You have a set of four codestones and they are set in a hidden color pattern that you must figure out. By clicking on each stone, you change its color from red, white, yellow, orange, blue, green, and back to red again.

    When you’ve clicked each stone and decided on what colors to guess, you click “go” and it will respond with how many stones are correct, and how many stones are the right color – but in the wrong place. It won’t tell you which stones are which, though. Black lines mean that you’ve gotten a stone the right color and in the right place. White lines mean that you’ve got a stone the right color, but it’s in the wrong place. Using these ‘hints’ you change your guess until you’ve finally gotten it right.