This game is my all-time favorite. I have played it ever since I was a newbie and continue to get better at it. Now if your going for a high score, shooting down the purple bugs is #1 priority (meaning shoot them whenever you get the chance!). A purple bug will give you 1 extra life. The second most important bug to shoot down is the dark blue bug. This is REALLY helpful to dodge the attacks the bugs send. If you see a purple AND a blue bug at the same time, get the purple bug, then the blue one. Because if you get the blue bug then the purple bug, the purple bug will cancel out the extra speed you get from the blue. If you get purple first then blue second, you can have an extra life and the extra speed. Now have you ever heard of canceling out an extra life just because you get extra speed? I don’t think so. 🙂 Now you may think the high-powered shots will help you (in which they do), but I advise you to avoid the orange bugs (high-powered shots). They are useful in the first couple of levels, but as the bugs start moving faster, you will need speed more than high-powered shots. Now for the brown colored bugs. I would advise you to get this in the first couple of levels, but after that I would avoid it. Because when you start getting in the higher levels the shields have already served their purpose and will just get in your way. I STRONGLY advise you to NOT to get the yellow OR the green bugs. They will slow you down, making your tank more vulnerable to attack, or make your tank bigger, making you a bigger target. Now I have questioned myself if the light blue bug is worth it. I would say that it IS worth it, but not as much as getting the dark blue bug in my opinion. The light blue bug makes your tank smaller, making you a smaller target to your enemies. It doesn’t matter if you get the light blue bug or the dark blue one, but I would still go for the dark blue one. Now as you probably know, every once and a while there will be a small bug that travels across the top of the screen. When you shoot the bug a random color orb will come from the bug. It could be any of the colors I mentioned. Try and get those bugs as often as you can. Each bug is worth 5 points. The bug at the top is worth 50 points. Now that I got what to get out of the way, here’s one more thing I have for you. 🙂 I would try getting the bugs from the right most often. It’s just a better way to get the bug at the top. Hope this help you out! 🙂 – neoexpert34
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