Here are some tips, you don’t have to use them but it makes the game A LOT easier.
1. Keep restarting until the orange bug appears hit it, and collect the power up, you can now shoot through two bugs!!!
2. Shoot all of the bugs in the far right column first. (See tip 3)
3. Stay in the right corner, because when the small blue bug appears, you can kill it for 100 points:)
4. Maximize the Swarm! Screen, so you don’t look in the background when you get distracted.
5. You can play music, but I hope you don’t mind “BOOM!” sounds.
6. If the bugs are going Super Fast, go a little bit out from the Pyramid Tower so you can shoot the bugs quick and then run and hide.
7. Play this game when you have 5 minutes extra time.
Well my advice is shoot and run!!! I hope this helps you earn a lot of np, and maybe even a trophy! – Terry Onufer
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