When I was a newbie, I had a difficult time in the battledome. I found myself losing most of the time. I was thinking: “What am I doing wrong?”. It took me time to find out what was happening. This story will help newbies find out that they don’t do nothing wrong, it’s the newbinators that are abusing them!
What is a newbinator?
The newbinator deceives its opponent by sending pets with low stats (15 HP and less) fighting in the battledome with very powerful and expensive weapons. They fight opponents with the same STATS as theirs and they win every fight without efforts.
Why is it a problem?
Newbies need to be treated with care. When a newbie decide to go for a quick fight in the battledome, when he selects his stats meticulously to have an opponent that will be enjoyable to fight, he deserves the chance to actually fight!!! Newbinators are also a problem for pet owners with better STATS. If a pet with 30 HP finds itself in a fight against a pet with 9 HP, the 30 HP pet would normally play a little more defensive and chat a little to have fun. But because newbinators are lurking, you never know. This little pet may be owned by a newbinator. Most of the time, you attack like berserk just in case!
How they do it
They typically equip their pet with Everlasting Crystal Apple (ECA) and H4000 Helmet and some other weapon. The ECA Heals 30 HP at every move and the HP 4000 has a 100% chance to freeze you. At the next move… they destroy you! The newbinators have a lot more combinations, but the ECA + H4000 is pretty common.
How can you tell if a pet is owned by a newbinator?
When you fight a pet with less than 15, here are 2 signs that the pet is a newbinator.
Sign 1 : the pet has a cool look. Cool paintbrushes are expensive. A newbie can’t buy a faerie or a royal paintbrush for his 9 HP pet!
Sign 2 : the pet enter the Battledome not fully healed. A newbie will learn quickly that he shouldn’t enter the battledome not fully healed. A newbinator don’t care. He will heal 30 NP at every move! Sadly, most of the times the newbinator can’t be detected before you feel the icy blast of the H4000!
Fighting back the newbinators
A newbinators want to win a lot of battle quickly. His pet is so powerful that you don’t stand a chance most of the time. The best that you can do is to resist as long as possible.
One day you’ll be very rich and you will be able to afford a H4000 helmet which is sure to freeze an opponent every time you use it. Looks like many people are rich because many people use these things in the battledome. How can you defend against that? You must freeze them at the same time, it’s the only way. When your pet is stronger, you will be able to resist a round of freezing. But as a newbie, when somebody freezes you… you are toast!
The problem with a cheap Frost Cannon or a Snowglobe Staff is that they don’t work very often, but when they do, they can save you!!! So here is the strategy… when you are in a fair fight, don’t use frost cannon because it won’t do much damage and it probably won’t freeze the enemy. However, if you find yourself in an unfair fight… 10HP vs. a newbinator… then give that freezing weapon a chance.
Some may try to steal from the newbinator with sticky hands. This is less useful against newbinators, because even if you steal their H4000. you would still be frozen and would still die the next turn.
Oh! One last thing… When I someone freeze me in an unfair fight, it may take just a little less than 10 minutes before I recover and make my next move… I take the freezing literally. the newbinator will have to wait to get his points! – dlebel
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