Spreading the Advent Joy by _darkened_

With the wonders of the Advent Calendar encroaching on the minds of young Neopets, it is our responsibility to show our small friends the meaning of the season. What exactly do I mean? We need to show kindness and compassion to those around us. Hopefully it catches on and spreads throughout Neopia.

I know there has been that moment youve been exploring the Lost Desert or enjoying a fun game of Cheat and have gotten a Faerie Quest. I do not know about you, but I go into a panic. You quickly go to the message boards and hope to find someone there to help. You post the name of the obscure item and get the cheapest shop, but have you ever stopped and thank the person who helped you? Those who do have had someone in their past help them and decided to help others. Have you ever helped another or have you been expecting someone to be there for you?

This is the time of year where you can help others just as others have helped you. It feels wonderful to know that you helped someone in need. And you hope, that your good deed has brightened the day of another being. For the most part they will feel happy that someone wanted to help them and with any luck he might do the same for another. That is the ultimate goal: not only helping someone, but getting him or her to pass it on. There is more then one way to help out another Neopian, in fact I am going to list just a few ways to help another and I hope you become inspired.

How about the Money Tree? Every time I visit the tree I see so many items there and it just warms my soul. It would be a very nice thing to see some more Neopoints, not just those donated by the ghosts (*hint, *hint). I am so that when you were new you did the same thing I did; I would try for at least fifteen minutes a day to get something from that tree. Of course, no matter how many times I tried, I never got anything. That seems to always be the case, but I did try. Every now and again, I find myself giving another try at it just for kicks (When will I learn?). But then I see something that truly brings a tear to my eye, the free trades.

I know not everyone who bids on the Free Trades or 10NP trades truly needs the ten omelets or loads of fabulous fish, but in the end these people are being extremely generous. It might have taken them days to get those items and instead of feeding their own pets they decide to give it away. Some of them even run low NP shops for those unable to get the knack of the flash games can get some cheap items for their beloved pets. That takes a lot of personal time and hard work in order to get a shop like that running. Not only does it take hours to raise enough NP to get a big enough shop, but also you have to buy the items to fill it. Amazing, purely amazing!

Then there are those thoughtful Neopians who spend hours upon hours posting and giving valuable advice on the message boards. They are so knowledgeable about the games and events that happen here in Neopia that I wonder how they became such experts. Then it hits me! Someone must have helped them along the way or they have been on Neopets since the beginning (I would like to think the first one is the more likely answer). Unfortunately, I must admit that I have done less then my fair share of posting, but I do give a modest effort. It is necessary that we give a standing ovation those who can tolerate hours of typing and not moving from the computer. I could never have enough discipline to do that; sadly, I also do not have the time either.

The final thing that comes to mind are the guilds who are totally dedicated to helping the Newbies and those who have sick or hungry pets. They deserve a giant pat on the back. There must be hundreds of such guilds that raise money to just give it away. Its not just one or two individuals devoting time and resources, but dozens of people and that is just one guild. It fills my heart with joy to see the abundance of guild trades and guild pages that talk about giving and actually do it.

The point I am trying to get to, and what I would like you to come away with, is that we need to help one another. This will keep Neopia in the beautiful and loving state that its in now. I believe that every single Neopian who has helped someone at sometime through their time here at Neopets need to be applauded and cheered for. It is you guys who make this community work and provide such a loving and tender atmosphere. It is so easy to get caught up in the flash games and avatar hunting, that we forget that there are hundreds of thousands of other players from throughout the entire world. The fact that we have built a community where children of all ages and all walks of life can share a common interest is incredible.

So this Advent season perhaps give your omelets to the Money Tree or donate your fishing items. Not only will it feel pretty awesome to give a little extra but it also will make a difference in someone elses life and the live of those they come in contact with. The cycle could go on as long as Neopets is on the Internet. Who knows, maybe, just maybe you might be rewarded in ways that are controlled by the Faeries in the clouds above Neopia. – _darkened_


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