What gave you the idea to start a Neopets podcast?
Podcasting was a relatively new phenomenon in August 2006 when all the current major podcasting groups were just starting. I say “relatively new” because although the podcasting software was available years before, it was during August 2006 that it began its first big swoop into mainstream awareness partly due to the iPod and iTunes revolution. As any budding entrepreneur would do, I wanted to get in early and have an activity for the PPT community to participate in. The idea of The PPT Show was perfect!
What is your favorite podcast episode? Why?
I don’t have a particularly favorite episode as each one I find has its own quirks and charms. I really do like listening to the blooper reels though. They make me laugh; and listening back to earlier episodes are always a nice thing to do as like reading a book for a second time, each time you re-read it, you pick up something new that you didn’t before.
Where do you live? How old are you?
I currently live in Australia but I travel the world; I call Australia my home though. Last time someone asked me how old I was, I told them I was three and a half. That was a few years ago though. I’m guessing this now makes me either three and three quarters or four.
If you could have any guest host on the show, who would it be? Why?
Now that’s an easy one. The great being known in existence, God or Jesus Christ. Of course, looking to a more realistic angle, having someone like Adam Powell or Donna Williams, the creators of Neopets, on it would really be the icing on the cake. (Adam and Donna if you’re reading!!) Of course, any staff member on the show would be freakin’ awesome too!
What is your favorite thing about Neopets? What is your favorite thing about PPT?
Neopets I would have to say the community. Same goes for PPT. You know what they say, home is where the heart is.
Who would you recommend the listeners to stay away from unless they want to get bitten?
I think Evan is a little bit rabid sometimes. Same goes for Emma. I really worry about those two sometimes.
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