How did you get started at The PPT Show?
Well, I started working for the PPT as a TCG writer. The podcast at the time only had a few episodes. I asked Kym about the podcast, and he’d said they were going to record a new episode soon (at this point it had been a while since episode 4 had been released). I asked if I could host and he said sure.
What is your favorite memory?
On the podcast? Or in real life? Well, on the podcast my favorite memory would have to be all the hilarious times we had in the early episodes. Even when I listen to those old episodes today I still crack up!
In real life, well, I have a lot of favorite memories. I have to say one of my favorites is going to work with my mom. I’ve been doing that ever since I was really young. She works in radio (and still does; she’s a traffic reporter for the NY area on many stations including Sirius satellite radio) but when I was 2 or 3 she reported traffic live (and on camera too) for Fox 5’s morning show. I’d always beg her to pick me up and show me in the camera. Fun stuff.
Where do you hope to see the show progress in the future?
I just hope the show continues to grow larger. Its already grown so large since when it started. I hope the show progresses more especially in feedback. I love reading the listener’s comments and thoughts. It makes me happy and I hope you guys keep sending more in.
Do you think you’ve improved as a host?
Yeah, I do. I find when I listen to earlier episodes I sound so weird, like, I can’t stand listening to myself at all. I am a lot more comfortable listening to myself in more recent episodes.
Who do you think is the craziest host and why?
I think all the hosts are crazy!! But which ones the craziest? Hm, that’s tough. I’d have to say, uh… EMMA.
What do you think you bring to the PPT show team?
I’m not sure. I know I bring something, but I haven’t figured out yet (neither have most). I think I definitely bring something, though. I mean, every host brings something!
How come you have so much knowledge about Neopets?
I do? I didn’t get the memo, sorry. I think I am knowledgeable in some areas when it comes to Neopets but in others… eh.
Do you perhaps see yourself hosting a live TV show episode in the future?
Oooh! A live TV show! I definitely wouldn’t mind that. As for seeing myself doing it in the future, I hope so… but I dunno. I see myself on radio or something computer related.
How do you maintain the flow of the conversation when you’re recording episodes?
Well, I just keep talking, and don’t stop until someone else picks it up. I also pick up other’s peoples thoughts and interrupt people a lot. Wow, I’m a terrible person!
What is the best aspect of hosting these shows and what is the most challenging?
All the good times and the friends I’ve made, the insanity, the hilariousness, and just… everything. I love doing (and listening to) The PPT Show episodes!
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