Snot Splatter Guide by amberwaves100

Edited by Kym Huynh

Snot Splatter is a new fun game on Neopets. When you burst one of the full snot bubbles, it sends snot in 4 directions (up, down, left, right), and increases each snot bubble it touches by one degree. There are 20 levels to the game which I will guide you through later. Snot bubbles come in various sizes:

  1. Non-Existent (you can make a new bubble by clicking on a blank spot once, which comes in handy on levels 2 & 3).
  2. One Dot – Extremely Tiny
  3. Second Dot – A little Bigger.
  4. Third Dot -Even still Bigger (The Perfect Size for the 2 Drops which are what you use for most levels past level #3.
  5. Fourth Dot – Almost to bursting.
  6. Fifth Dot – Ready to burst when clicked on by a regular Drop/Shot. When burst, the fifth dots (full snot bubbles) send snot in all 4 directions.

There are many types of special drops one can use located in the left margin. They are in descending order:

  1. The Grid. A 3X3 grid that can wipe out all snot bubbles in the 3X3 grid. These are most useful in the later levels (Levels 15-20) to finish off the level after initially using the 2 Drop on your first move. You acquire a Grid for bursting 5 to 9 drops in one shot.
  2. The Up/Down Line. This wipes out all snot bubbles in a vertical line. Once again, only use this in the later levels when trying to finish a level You acquire an Up/Down Line for 10-14 bubbles burst.
  3. The Across Line. This wipe outs all snot bubbles in a diagonal line. Once again, only use this in the later levels when trying to finish a level. You acquire an Across Line for 15-19 bubbles burst.
  4. The 2 Drops. The most important drop for finishing the majority of the levels. The 2 Drop, instead of sending 1 drop in all 4 directions, sends 2 drops in all 4 directions. As long as the majority of the middle area of the any level is at the 3rd Dot level, the 2 Drop will usually clear the entire level. You acquire a 2 Drop for reaching at least 40 bubbles burst on the previous level. So make sure in most levels past level #3 that you at least get 40 snot bubbles burst on your first attempt.
  5. The X2 Drop. This is the drop to use on level #2 & level #3. The trick to getting a high score in Snot Splatter is to get two X2 Drops on level #1. You get a X2 Drop by bursting from 20 to 29 snot bubbles in one shot. On level #1, use a single drop and watch the grid to see if you burst between 20 to 29 bubbles. If you are successful doing this, you can take your time filling the rest of the bubbles to near bursting. You now have from 20-29 more snot bubbles left and ready to burst. Use a single shot and burst the remaining 20-29 snot bubbles. If done properly, you now have two X2 Drops and should be ready to make a killing on levels 2 & 3.
  6. The Vortex. This special drop is used when a single drop or 2 Drop cannot finish a level because there are barriers in the way. You place the vortex were you want the drop to enter on one side of the level, and place the second vortex were you want the drop to come out (the other side of the barrier). Just remember that the drop will exit the vortex in the same direction that it entered the first vortex.

Snot Splatter Levels 1-20

  1. The object of this level is to make two X2 bubbles to use in the next 2 rounds. You do this by getting 20-29 snot bubbles burst on your first shot, and then after filling up the remaining bubbles to near bursting, you get the second X2 on your next shot. If you get less than 20 on your first shot or 30 or more, just keep restarting the game over until you accomplish this. This is essential in getting a high score. Dont worry about the beaker of snot going down all the way to 1. You get them all back when you burst the bubbles. (Score 600-800)
  2. On the second level you use one of the X2 drops, but only after you fill the center of the grid with near-bursting bubbles and add tiny drops to the outer edges of the grid (Which you do by clicking on an empty space one time. It makes a tiny dot). These tiny dots end up making the big difference in the game when the X2 multiplies them (They tend to be 100-120 point value X2). You should be able to clear the entire grid with the X2 shot applied to one of the middle near-bursting bubbles. Clearing the grid gives you a 2 Drop which you will use on levels 4-20. (Score 7000-9000)
  3. Level three is essentially the same as level 2. Use the same strategy and you should clear the level and make mega-points. Dont worry if you miss a couple of bubbles on the edge or corner. Always use up all the drops in your beaker but the final one before starting to burst the bubbles. (Score 20000-22000)
  4. Level four and five are essentially the same. You fill up most of the center within 2 drops/clicks of bursting and then use one of your 2 Drops to start the chain reaction. For each succeeding level you finish, you use a 2 Drop and gain a 2 Drop. (2800-30000 after level 5)
  5. Level six is an oddball level. It is divided into 2 sides. I personally just fill up one side of bubbles to near bursting and finish them off with a single shot. I do the same with the other side. Dont worry if your beaker is now not totally full. You make that up on the next level. One could also use the Vortex to make a drop go the other side, but at this point I usually do not have one. (30000-31000)
  6. The remaining 14 levels all are basically the same, with the difference being in the angles of the inner and outer barriers. You can use the angled barriers to bounce the drops to another area of the grid. Practice makes perfect on these levels, and once you do it a few times, you can figure out how to pre-fill your bubbles before using your 2 Drop. If you are able to get at least 40 bubbles on your first shot on each level, you should be able to reach the end (level 20) with a score approaching 50000.

Good Luck and happy splatting!!! – amberwaves100


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