Scamming: How to Find it and Stop It by Zann

So, we’ve all been to Neopets’ chat boards, right? Ever seen a title like this:


That is a scam. All they want is your account. *shivers* Scary thought, eh? Well, it scares me too, so I’m going to list all the ways a scammer could “attack”, so to say..

1. Fake login pages. Ever seen a URL like or something? That takes you to a login page that looks like a Neopets login. DO NOT LOG IN. Its fake, meaning that your beloved username and password are going to some psycho scammer. *mutters* Oldest one in the book!

2. Saying that they have the secret to get 1 million NP every day. False! There is no secret to getting rich overnight, so don’t believe it! They’ll sometimes ask for a really expensive item (codestone, faerie, Negg, etc.) and then they’ll give the secret. Hah, don’t make me laugh. Just copy the message and report them.

3. They’ll NeoMail you saying that they’re from Neopets and that your account will be frozen if you don’t neomail them your password. Nope, don’t do that! That’ll give them complete access to your beloved account. Remember, Neopets staff will never ask for your password!

4. They’ll say, “AIM me and we can be great friends!” Don’t do it. My friend answered this, and the scammer replied, “Come on, be a buddy and give me your password! I’ll get you lots of NP!” NEVER EVER fall for that! My friend was scammed of her whole account!!!!

5. If someone asks you if you want them to baby-sit your account, just report them. Baby-sitting accounts is illegal in Neopets.

6. If anyone tells you to right click on something in their shop (most likely over-priced) and hold down enter for 5 seconds, report them. This is how I was scammed when I was new…of 5000 NP!

Okay, well that clears up the scamming list. Now, on to reporting them!!

If you see anything that I listed above, report it to immediately. If you see anything in someone’s shop that is a scam, click on the little thing that says “report shop”. Easy, isn’t it? Now here comes the fun part: “Playing” with scammers!!!

1. If you think you are talking to a scammer through AIM or MSN, don’t go running around your house screaming, “I’M TALKING TO A SCAMMER!!! NO!!” Instead, just say, “Hey, do you want my password?” If he/she says no, then he/she is a friend. But if they say yes, give them the password to a really bad account that you don’t use anymore. They’ll be so angry (you did beat them at their own game!), and they’ll cuss and jeer. Just ignore that, then report ’em. I love doing that.

2. If someone bad does get a hold of your password accidentally, then buy something using all of your money. Give the item(s) you bought to a trusting friend. Tell ’em that you’re getting hacked/scammed, and they’ll probably accept the item(s). Now all you have to do is kick back and relax, because when the scammer goes to your account looking for NP and items, he/she’s not going to find anything except your Neopets!!! Oh, they’re going to be mad, but hey, isn’t this fun?

3. The simplest way to go: Just post this in their boards: “How about I report you, and then you’ll be frozen?” and then report them! Easy as pie!

Final Note: No matter how many times they try to convince you that getting 1 million NP overnight is not a scam, it is. Believe me, I know. Countless people have been scammed of thousands of NP, and I don’t want any of you out there to be next. I hope you enjoyed the guide, and stay out of trouble! – Zann


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