Sakhmet Solitaire (Bonus): The Hunt For the Gold Trophy by elepanht

In this guideline I’ve skipped the basics because I think everyone knows how the game Solitaire goes. If you don’t, the rules on Neopets are pretty clear and good to follow so read them first!

So you’ve played a couple of Solitaire games and finally got the bronze trophy but since bronze is just bronze, you actually really want the gold one.

Unfortunately the game takes quite a lot of time (since you barely win) and it isn’t a lot of fun to play. To give you better chances on winning the trophy here are a few guidelines you should follow.

Overall Guidelines:

These guidelines make it easier to play the game itself

1. Don’t play 1 or 2 games a day. You never seem to win those games and you also have a chance of forgetting them. It’s much better to play on a Sunday afternoon and play until you’ve reached the 2500np limit. When I play to that limit I usually play for 45 minutes and win about 2/3 times. Not bad huh?

2. Don’t just play the game. You’ll get bored very fast (because the game isn’t very exciting) and you’ll quit playing it and you will never win the trophy. It’s better to listen to music at the same time, chat a bit with your friends (on neoboards or msn) and you might even check the shops for restocking every 2 minutes. This will make it more fun to play for a longer time.

Game Guidelines:

I’ve experienced that these guidelines are good to follow if you want to win the game itself.

1. Don’t waste your time on a worthless game. If you have bad cards in the beginning (you can only make less than 2 moves) and the first round of cards from your stake is bad too (less than 2 moves) don’t continue to play. While it doesn’t save you any np it does save time, and since the np rewards aren’t very high I really suggest you don’t invest time in a worthless game.

2. Always play from the cards column piles. If you have the choice to play a card from the column pile or from the stack pile, always choose for the column pile. The best thing to go for is to get all the cards out on the column pile, so you can get all the aces and play the cards out. If you play cards from your column piles you get smaller columns which gives you opportunity’s to place kings, and there are also chances it will give you wanted cards, and since it’s a luck game you have to go for the chances eh?

3. Always play from the biggest column piles. It is best to play those because in the end game you need the cards that are on those piles. (No more details on this one…)

4. Don’t hesitate putting cards on your ace piles. Many end games CAN be finished but they don’t look like you can finish them. However, if you play a bit with the cards and look good you will be able to switch from column pile to column pile and actually win the game.

Final Guideline:

Have Patience! (that’s kinda funny because patience is the name of the game in Dutch!) In the end you will win it and that gold trophy will look hella nice on your user look-up! – elepanht


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