Quest Cheats

Neopets faerie holding a Snowbunny

Unlimited shop wizard by Dwn2earth736

It is so annoying when you are on a quest and you can’t find the item the faerie wants and nobody will do a search for you. I found a way to use the shop wizard and do a quest at the same time. When you get onto Neopets and you see the welcome screen, go straight to the shop wizard ant then minimize the page. Keep the wizard page minimized and then type neopets in your address bar again (in a new window) and do your normal routine. When you get a quest, but the first browser window. Voila! (Whatever you do, DON’T refresh the minimized page.)

Quick item finding methods by daddysgrl8u

If you get a quest that no one will help you with then here is an easy way. Just log out of the account that you got the quest in and create a new account. When you make that new account you don’t need to play any games to get neopoints, just go to the shop wizard and search for the item you need.

Then Ctrl+C (highlight the text first) the name of the user that is selling the item for the third lowest price, otherwise when you go into your other account and look the shop up the item will more than likely be sold. This is why I suggest the third lowest or whatever you think will work.

Then make sure the username is copied and login to your account with the quest. Paste, Ctrl+V, the name of the user in the search engine and go into their shop and buy the item you need for your quest! *Ta-Da* You now have completed your quest! Then if you don’t want to have the other account just delete it! But if you want to keep it just be sure to not break the rules! Good Luck!


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