Pyramids Guide by Sheshrrg

The game of Pyramids costs fifty neopoints, so if you do not make at least fifty each game, you loose out. I have found it is a very addictive little game. Another bonus is that there are unlimited score sends.

To gain a profit, you must first be good at the game. This is simple, as all there really is to it is creating a chain of consecutive numbers, numbers one higher or lower than the other.

Each time you add a new card to the chain, you are given a larger number of pints until the chain is broken. This means that the longer the chain, the more points received.

A good chain is: King, ace, two, three, four, three, four, five. This will score you many points. Of course, part of this game is luck, but part of it is thinking ahead.

If you have a king in hand, and an ace, a two, a three and a queen in your available cards, it is wise to choose the ace, which leads to the two and three, rather than the queen.

Also, when you have two cards, with no chains to choose from, it helps to choose the one which will uncover the most new cards.

The key to pyramids is to be patient, and don’t get frustrated. If you start a new game, you will not get refunded your fifty neopoints, or get your neopoints already won.

The game of pyramids is a reliable source of neopoints if you are willing to spend the time, more reliable than scratchcards or fortune wheels, and easy to play once you get the basics down.

One tip though, do not play if you have not put in your registration code because it pushes the cards down and prevents you from seeing them. – by Sheshrrg


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