Pterattack 2 Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Neopets newly revamped Pterattack game (which shall henceforth be called Pterattack 2) is a lot more prettier than its predecessor. Not only are the graphics far superior (albeit a little busy at times – for example, the amount of villages underneath the Pter gets distracting at high speeds) but the game is considerably a lot more smoother both in its control.

The weapons

Ptershot: Standard laser which you being with. The upgrade is a blue bubble with three lines in it.

Pterboom: It’s a purple spinning powerup. Like the Tadow in the old game. It’s a boomerang that, rather than coming back, weaves across the screen.

Fireball: A red powerup with a dot in the middle. Just what it says. This one becomes a split-shot weapon as it powers up, in addition to gaining power. Level two is a V-shot, level three is a three-prong shot, and level four fires three waves of fire. My favorite weapon so far.

Pterpod: The Green powerup. It starts firing three weapons in a T-pattern. Then it becomes a split shot in a V pattern, and at level four, a laser-like device. Frankly, I preferred level three to level four. It had a fast shot speed and a decent spread. If you’re looking for a spread shot, the Pterboom is the way to go.

What is different about this game?

Unlike the old game, dead Pteradons don’t leave a “shadow” that can cause others to fly though your bullets. They get hit, they blow up, simple as that. The shadow was really only a problem at higher levels in the old version, but it was very frustrating. That problem, as far as I can tell, has been solved.

The Grarrl is moderately more avoidable. I haven’t seen the gigantic ubergrarrl that was an unholy terror in the old version, but I can only assume he’s still in the code somewhere… lurking… waiting for my guard to drop…

The Grarrl once it has been shot by you will instantly retreat.

The Grarrl retreat speed has significantly slowed down to limit the maneuvering space you have.

Upper level Pteradons have more hp than the previous game.

The amount of powerups are plentiful in the later levels,. This means you’ll need to dodge them if you want to continue playing, or you’ll get screwed over very fast.

You no longer get an extra life every 2 levels, making game play significantly harder.

Game payout has been reduced to half.

Things you need to look out for

The vicinity around the enemies will cause your Pter to lose a life if you get too close. The enemy images are slightly deceiving as they are actually smaller than they should be, so keep a good distance between them. – Shoyru_Lover


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