NOTE: This strategy was written during the beta testing of Plushie Tycoon; the game has been altered since then and this strategy may not be entirely accurate.
First, rent your factory and warehouse. Then you should go buy 1 of every color cloth, 4 stuffings (NeoFoam or TreeFloss, your choice), 4 Shoyru accessories, and 4 cardboard boxes.
Before you start your jobs, hire 60 trainees and 2 managers. Start each job (you will have to upgrade your factory once), and here’s the important part: SIT BACK AND DON’T DO ANYTHING ELSE. It is essential that you not spend any more money until all 400 plushies are made and loaded.
Once all 400 have been loaded, fire all your trainees and all the managers it will let you. (You will hire them back later.) Go rent your store. Upgrade the interior until it looks Ok–bamboo shelves are just as good as stone ones, aren’t they? Banners are just as okay as paint. Now upgrade the first three ads all the way.
Before you upgrade anything else, ship your plushies. You now have enough advertising to get people to your store, and the shoyrus sell for 56, 55, 54, and 53 np each depending on color (red, blue, yellow, and green respectively). If you have enough money left over and you are comfortable with your funds getting low, you can continue to upgrade advertising. I don’t advise this–you don’t need it until your second run.
Since you’re selling 4 different styles at once and you won’t get the money until each job sells out, all you have to do is sit back and wait. WHen the money does come in, you’ll get close to 20,000.
You have a choice here: continue Shoyru production until you get enough profit to play around with other species, or start playing around now. It all depends on what your sense of security with what you’ve got is. Hope this helps, and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to neomail me. – Xaandria
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