Petpetsitter Cheats

Pick up the mop without holding down the mouse button

You can pick up the mop and actually hold it without holding down the mouse button.

First grab the mop using left click and hold it. Then right click as you’re holding down left click. A menu should pop up. Then let go of left click and left click on the mop again. You should be able to hold it.

This is useful in the later stages when all you’re doing is cleaning up. Just place the mop on one of the spill spots, relax and let the game rake in points for ya. Just keep the volume up though so you can hear any demanding petpets. – Thang

Gain an extra life

If you type in ‘Oscillabot’ at the beginning after you hit play, you get an extra life. – petlovergirl1000

The hiding programmer

In the starting screen, click one of feepit’s white spot, it’s the one just above the right eyebrow and the staff member you see in so many games pops out!


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